What do youngsters think about fake news and climate change? Two focus groups to find it out

Apr. 5, 2022 | News

“Climate change does not exist”, “The single person cannot change things”, “The increase in temperature is a natural cycle that is not caused by human activity”.

These are just some of the fake news circulating, online and offline, about climate change.

Disinformation contributes to fueling habits harmful to the environment and that is why the SLACC project aims to focus more attention on the issue of fake news, encouraging and providing useful tools for young people to become ambassadors for the climate.

In March, all consortium partners organized various focus groups aimed at young people, to give them space to share their opinion on climate change and disinformation regarding this issue.

CESIE involved more than 25 young people, on two different days, collecting new ideas in relation to how to address youngsters in a more engaging way.

The theme of climate change is absolutely shared, while the presence of fake news is perceived as a phenomenon that has always existed and that is difficult to unhinge.

To complete the picture, some interviews were carried out in all the partner countries of the project, to also understand how to support youth workers in their daily work. The first project result is therefore completed, with important elements that will allow us to better develop the next objectives.